In this third segment of our conversation, Spencer Levy overviews the Washington DC markets by product type after discussing CBRE's offices there and in Baltimore. We "flyover" each of the product types with local, national and international trends relating to the DMV. He concludes with what he believes are the "5 Factors of Awesome Markets" as he calls them. Here are more specific notes and timeline:
This episode was recorded prior to the COVID 19 spread in the US in March, 2020. On March 26th, Spencer Levy was recorded in another podcast that addresses his perspective on the markets since the virus has virtually stilled the US economy. Here is the link to that episode: "Leading Voices in Real Estate"
Brad Dockser, the son of a housing entrepreneur, carves his own path first in private equity parlaying it to energy savings in real estate
Bio Michael J. Darby is Founder & CEO of Monument Realty, a leading privately held mixed use real estate development & operating company headquartered...
David Roodberg shares his story of emerging from shyness into blossoming into a company leader who gives back to community in two companies.